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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The MasterChef Twist

:O One of the most anticipated episodes of Masterchef! (But I watch every single one anyway.) And Dawid and I were doing our top-notch live commentary again on msn.

The twist was revealed that 3 eliminated contestants would be coming back into the comp. There were like 11 contestants who came back, which led to the first outbreak of commentary by us. We were like, "I hope Joanne's not coming back." "Ohh wait, she's not there!" :O "And where's Carrie?!" "Who's that blonde chick again?"

Then the judges were like, the others don't know bout it!! :O (Oh, and Aaron was saying that the only way the comp could get better was if they had "a rocket and blast us to the moon".)

Then we placed out bets. I opted for Matt, Philip and Courtney coz they're the juniors and look good and share a name (I chose Fiona at first buuut she died). David betted for Matt, Philip and Skype/Courtney.

First challenge: cleaning prawns
In this, they all had to clean 400g prawns and make sure that the poop tube (gooch tube :L) was gooone. One would get eliminated. Courtney said that she grew up prawning, and she finished first. Gary was saying how some people were on 200g, while some were on 50g. Then everyone started putting their hands up saying "I'm next, I'm next" Finally, it came down to Sharneeeeee and Kate. Dawid and I wanted Sharnee to go through, coz we didn't like KAte's dancing in the beginning-KatyPerry-credits thing. Unfortunately, Kate was faster and rounded off the top 10. But Sharnee took loosing well - she didn't cry and kept on saying OK, and she hugged everyone before she left... except for Kate :P

Second challenge: mashed potato
Seeing a forklift with a massive box of potatoes driving towards the kitchen, I thought it would be like GTA and it would drive inside and run everybody over. Luckily, it didn't happen, but the box was pretty unfairly placed. Anyway, some people were good, everyone else was bad. Philip was the smart one and just chopped off the skin, while everyone else was peeling... Skye said she would have a backup plan... Kate said she had never cooked mashed potatoes... Philip was uber fast and finished first. I thought he was like zoolander, but less gay, coz of his fashion. Once again, the hands started rising after the first guy finished. AND MATT PRESTON WAS THE SOLO JUDGE for this challenge, so he was nom nom noming his way though all the mashes. Courtney said that she did not want to loose this one coz, after loosing the mint and pesto challenge, she said that she would fear basic cooking :L But he kept on saying that the mashes were LUMPY. In the end, it was Kate and Daniel. (Round bout now Dawid was commenting on the fat guy staling for timee.) Again, David and I wanted Kate to die... and she did! But when she did go, she was being drunk and high5ing everyone, saying "Time to goooooooooooo Katieeeeeeee!"

Third challenge: French pancakes
The final 9 had to cook 10 very very thin pancakes. Philip was funniest in the video logs saying that he had never cooked pancakes, never ate pancakes for breakfast, and that HE ONLY DRINKS PROTEIN SHAKES for breakfast :L With the judging, THEY COMMENTED ON LUMPY AGAIN!!! Anywayz, the judges went around getting their hands onto all the pancakes, then ate them, then told contestants to cook 1, 2, 6 more pancakes again. Eventually, there was Matthew and Jake. Unfortunately, Matthew screwed up ONE pancake, for it was, quote Matt Preston, "thick on one side and thin on the other". Then they tasted Jake's, and pretty much immediately said IT'S GOOD. :O for me and David - MATTHEW WAS GOOOOONNNNEEEE! Funny thing was that George was having a quite word with him afterwards, and it seemed as if he would give him an apprenticeship, but then it was like lol jks go away :(

Fourth challenge: eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce
Top 8, and this dish was meant to be easy - it sure didn't look that way. This one wasn't that appealing to me, so I'll cut to the chase. It was timed - Daniel forgot to cook an egg - Skye's sauce broke (?) when she plated. Sooo they both were kicked out. Even Daniel described his dish "in two words: epic fail"

It was the final 6... but it would be saved for tomorrow's episode. Tomorrow would include "the come back of the century". Oh and the 6 will be cut down to 3. Also, their dishes will be judged BY THE NORMAL CONTESTANTS! :O And Adam was like (in the preview) "I dunno how to taste this!"

Good MasterChef sesh once again!

I am Optimus Prime (aka mattlam), and i send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting. Autobots, roll out!

P.S there was actually no sign of the normal top 7 contestants throughout the whole episode :O even though it was included in the preview for the episode


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