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Saturday, June 26, 2010

You are NOT the father... AGAIN!

THIS HAS GOT TO BE ONE OF THE FUNNIEST VIDEOS I HAVE EVER SEEN ON YOUTUBE! When I was first introduced to this via Dawid, I could not stop laughing. The supposed mother always gets owned, and the supposed father always dances. There are many videos on all the different women who think some guy is their baby's father, but I think this one is a prime example. Enough of the talking, now watch it :L Also note how the crowd reacts - makes it funnier.

Note some of the comments:
Look at him...he white!!
why is this chick so bad at math lol
good to see DNA research goin to good use.
This is why black people are viewd in such a negative manner.
"1010% he is the father", it reminded me to the kat williams movie
I feel sorry for the kids.

AND just in case you didn't laugh the first time:

I am Optimus Prime (aka mattlam), and i send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting. Autobots, roll out!


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