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Monday, August 16, 2010


Scratching your head bout the name? Well, it's simple, really, just do the math:
pokemon + politicians = poketicians

It happened during tuts. with a friend of mine called Nick. As usual, our tutorial was talking bout (a) current affairs - and this time it was ELECTION '10. So we had a mini debate on who to trust, who CAN we trust, what's with the boat people and the reason why Mr Copeland couldn't vote. I'm not good a politics, and neither is Nick, soooooooooo made our own fun.

It started off with Nick randomly saying to me Ruddkip. That was the spark. From there, we developed more pokemons and more moves based on the current election ofc... In the end, it kinda endded up like this:

I choose Ruddkip! Ruddkip used working families! It's super effective! John Howard fainted. Ruddkip used Chinese! Pennychu Wong is not affected. Tony Abbott is confused. He hurt himself in his confusion. A wild Gillardude appeared! Gillardude used party steal! Ruddkip fainted.Gillardude used baby kiss. The baby was charmed. To the Pokecenter!

And so we continued choosing pokemon, making imaginary battles, making new moves, and rushing to the pokecenters. It did make the whole tutorial thing much more interesting though... for us 2 at least (Y)

Until either Gillard or Abbott becomes the very best,

I am Optimus Prime (aka mattlam), and i send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting. Autobots, roll out!


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