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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The ad for the Discovery Channel is also catchy:
Enough of Discovery Channel - here's the motto of the National Geographic channel:

Also thought of the irony in the expo's motto "Better City, Better Life" and their theme of going green, coz all the pavilions, except for China's, will be taken down :(

Here's a funny skit from the show Everybody Hates Chris that I watched:
Chris needs to pass some PSAT test, so he cheats and gets 100%, but he doesn't know:
C: Look, ma'am, I can explain...
M: I dunno, Chris, this is so unexpected from you...
C: My mother wanted me to do so well in this...
M: And I bet she'll be proud. You got 100%
C: What!
M: For that, I'm putting you in the Advanced Class.
C: The Advanced what?
M: You think whites are smart, wait till you see the asians!

To finish off the day, we had a massive family dinner (normal for asians). Sooo many funny stuff went down, includ: grandma stealing tissues, cuz drinking 3 cans of softdrink straight, an uncle binge drinking on 2 wine-bottle-sized beers, another uncle buying giving me 2 vuvuzelas, an aunt taking luvos, mum showing an aunt my uncle's biceps to check skin condition and grandma's jelly 'running away' and her reaction.

超級遊戲獎門人 (Super Trio Game Master) really is the FUNNIEST show everrrrrrrrrr! Now watching Man vs. Wild Alabama, in which Bear goes nude, tackles a pig and abandons camera crew... literally.


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