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Saturday, July 24, 2010

MADilicious: Lets Introduce Ourselves

MADilicious: Lets Introduce Ourselves:

You might be thinking why we're blogging?
I was blogging one day and i realised OMG MATTHEW ADRIAN DAVID CAN BE REARRANGED TO MAD/DAM
and then i thought we should blog and name our selves the MADcuntz xD
- Dawid

Yo wuddup Orpahhh. I'm the M in MAD aka Matt. I blog, but I don't blog... often XD AND WATCH MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA!
- Matt

Hadrian came from 2008 in meee-aths in some past paper, all dumnov's fault and her tiestilicious ways.
- Hadrian

(Oh yeah, click the link ^)

I am Optimus Prime (aka mattlam), and i send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting. Autobots, roll out!


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